Case Study


City · Florida


City Government · FL


Janitorial · Maintenance · Specialty Services

Insights > Case Study

Ensuring a Southeast City is Ready for Tomorrow

Managing the facilities of a government agency or municipality creates special challenges. A large city in the Southeast needed a partner they could trust to navigate compliance and acquisition regulations while also providing a track record of quality and reliability. With Velociti, they found a facilities services company that could handle routine janitorial services and so much more.

Type of Space

Distributed Facilities
Large Facilities

Client Needs


When new needs arise, the city needed a partner they could trust to add or move staff to accomodate.


The city needed to be sure that the highest standards of quality would be maintained across all facilities.


As needs change on a daily basis, the city needed a partner that valued the relationship and was able to find solutions at a moment's notice.

We Proved It


Velociti was able to deliver a solution that met these needs and more. Over the past decade, Velociti has grown its team in the city to accommodate the city’s ever-changing needs and growing facilities. From courthouses to community spaces to 911 call centers, Velociti has proven time and again that they are able to provide the right people with the right training and technology to ensure that each day the client is ready for tomorrow.

City officials and Velociti team members have created such trust in their relationship, that often one-time or specialty jobs are done before a purchase order is even generated! Velociti team members, many of which have been working in the same building for years, have become trusted members of the team, true partners with the work being done across the city.

Type of Service


By the Numbers


Facilities spread across the city that are maintained by Velociti.


Square feet of space that the city relies on Velociti to keep in top-notch condition.


Days each year that Velociti team members are on the job, making sure things are running smoothly.


Years of building trust through reliability, consistency and proactivity.

Learn More

Interested in delving deeper into our track record? We’ll prove it. Reach out to us for further details.

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